Thanks to Glasgow City Council 🤝

CCG Crookston community group in partnership with GCC Glasgow city council with Elaine McSporran and Alex Wilson councillors today putting up new signs at Ladymuir Cres Pollok. This is an extremely deprived area and our community projects aim to work very closely with local people acting as a catalyst for empowerment. Join us.

#cityproperty #grahamandsibbald #councillors #community #help

#stv #bankofscotland #nationallottery #saffronevents #clothworkers #robertsontrust #tudortrust #corrafoundation #glasgowcitycouncil #swamp #asda #wesleyanfoundation #inkindirect #ramsaysfishandchips #humanappeal #batleyscashandcarry #tesco #coop #chrisstephens v CFC#scottishgovernment #gha #get2grips #silverburn #moneymatters #wellbeingfund #arnoldclark #cash4kids #carrgomm #stmonicasschool #eatupcharity #britishgas #lidls #. And many many more partners
