Helping the whole community🥰

Crookston community group foodbank serving Pollok for over 8 years. Today volunteers staff management young and elder helping the whole community

Have respect with your community / We are all each other's family / We've come together and have unity / Let's have pride with respect

#stv #bankofscotland #nationallottery #saffronevents #clothworkers #robertsontrust #tudortrust #corrafoundation g53together #glasgowcitycouncil #swamp #asda #wesleyanfoundation #inkindirect #ramsaysfishandchips #humanappeal #batleyscashandcarry #tesco #coop #chrisstephens v CFC#scottishgovernment #gha #get2grips #silverburn #moneymatters #wellbeingfund #arnoldclark #cash4kids #carrgomm #stmonicasschool #eatupcharity #britishgas #lidls #. And many many more partners

Thank you to our staff & volunteers it’s been a true community spirit 🙌 xx ‘#OneMillionMealsTilltheNationHeals’ is our mission to accomplish! @onemillionmeals

#ramadan #iftari #zakat

#onemillionmeals #saffroneventsuk #curryfightscorona #curryfightscovid19 #coronavirus #covid19 #coronavirusdonation #charity #covidkindness #coviduk #stayathomeandstaysafe #savelives #stayhome #feed #elderly #vunerable #homeless #shelter #love
