CCG have just received an award!

CCG are proud to announce that our group has been awarded a grant by the #StNicolas Fund. This will be used to support local needy people as part of our foodbank and foodshare projects

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PCT-St Nicholas Care Fund writes:

“The St Nicholas Care Fund came into being when my predecessor, Cardinal Archbishop Thomas Joseph Winning, wanted to highlight the poverty he saw in the Glasgow area. The children he saw without warm clothing, outside on a freezing cold night, were the Church’s ‘treasures’ [1] and he wanted to help them. And so the St Nicholas Care Fund was born. Those who apply for grants from the St Nicholas Care Fund do so because they want to help make the lives of local people and communities better: children, young people, the elderly, people with special needs, economic migrants, asylum seekers, refugee families and groups, and the increasing number of homeless on our streets.”


Please go check our Facebook on the CCG Community Group Public Group for more info!
