👏 🙌
A big thank to Yusuf, from Al-Farooq Education Community Centre for donation.

Welcome on board 👏
We would like to welcome to Javier Herrera onto the CCG Crookston Community Group volunteers team. He come from El Salvador, first day...

Welcome on board 👏
We would like to welcome to Claudia Lara onto the CCG Crookston Community Group volunteers team. She come from El Salvador, first day...

🤲 🤝 🙏
Friends. Would it be fair to say that during the past year we have all learned to appreciate each other with all our faults and bad...

Much thank to Community Asset Fund for donation 👏 🙌
A special thank to Community Climate Asset Fund for their great donation of the Electric van which was a valuable asset enabled CCG...

5 stars service waiting for you 🙌
Desi Dhaba Glasgow. 5🌟service and the best prathas in Scotland. Luvleeeeee.

#scottishlabourparty “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” —...

Much thank to our volunteers and staff for make it possible 👏
We are CCG Crookston Community Group 🙌