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Evaluation Support Scotland Training Session 1

Minutes 10.15am

Attendees: Tariq, Nasreen, Sahrish, Patricia, Sajida, Frank, Lee, Liz

What is evaluation?

  • Assessing, asking questions, gathering information, assessing how you can fulfill it.

  • Concluding everything you have gathered and discussed.

Who is it for?

  • Everyone, funders, sponsors, users, volunteers, staff, public, community, suppliers

  • All stakeholders

What gets in the way?

  • Time constraints, societal views towards foodbank users (stigma), volunteer turnover, volunteer engagement, training for staff and volunteers, lack of organisation.


Resources are used

Activities are carried out such as the cooking class, foodbank, coffee morning and events (All targets) .

Set targets, before outcomes are recorded and then evaluated.

Indicators should be simple, specific and easy to recognise. Hard outcomes such as debt and soft outcomes such as I can, I am able to.

We identified 6 main outcomes and worked together to identify the key indicators for each

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