You must take your kids to Stack & still before they turn 16. It is unmissable

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

#Stack&still !

Both Cash 4 kids and Stack & Still. In response to your recent gift to CCG, I join with the management, staff and volunteers in saying shúker, thank you, for your generosity. Nasreen Ali Chairperson

The Pancake Pioneers

There are not many pancake houses that can boast 200 seats, but at Stack & Still we wanted to ensure that there's space for everyone. So whether it's a big family get together or day out with the kids, or an evening of great food and delicious drinks with good friends, there's plenty room for the whole gang!

Together, we can make a difference

Cash for Kids responds to the needs of children in our communities so they can live life to the full and realise their individual potential.

Based across 22 areas in the UK, at the heart of your favourite radio stations, we support children aged 0-18 who are disabled, disadvantaged or suffering from abuse or neglect.

We raised over £21.4 million in 2018, supporting more than 1 million children
