Easter Hamper
Another successful children Easter food hamper today at ladymuir with a great ccg team xxx
Another successful Wednesday foodshare at crookston community group ccg thanks to fairshare n Nasreen n Tariq many families helped today xxx
Successful meeting!
Very productive meeting of the threehills supermarket steering group with CCG Crookston Community Group AND Kevin Simpson and Chris...
Working together!
CCG Crookston Community Group working very closely with local residents and our police men and ladies to create a better neighbourhood...
Another successful Wednesday foodshare at crookston community group ccg thanks to fairshare n Nasreen n Tariq many families helped today...
Crookston Community Group would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Elspeth, Community Champion Morrison’ Erskine #Morrisons...
A pleasure to meet!
A pleasure to meet the Atta family today as they dropped off food for CCG Crookston community Crookston Community Group.
Another successful Wednesday foodshare at crookston community group Ccg with a great help from Dr Zubir Ahmed (Labour candidate for...
Feeding the Horses
So happy to see horses who enjoying eat their fave apples, being fed by owner Nicky Dever Nicky Moretti Dever yummy! Felt so good to help...
Crookston Community Group would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to kindness man Tariq Ataa, who donating this long life milks n...