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Glasgow foodies challenged to cut down their waste

GLASGOW residents have been challenged to do their bit to cut down on the 41,000 tonnes of food waste the city produces each year.

As part of the What’s In Your Kitchen? campaign by Love Food Hate Waste, two Glasgow locals monitored their kitchen outgoings in a bid to save money and help the environment.

The organisation challenged householders to keep a food waste diary to find out how much food they dispose of each day and how they could potentially improve.

Hailey Thomson, founder of Your Health Angel

Hailey Thomson from Thornliebank said that her diary has encouraged her to prep her food in advance. As well as promoting healthy eating through her online business, Hailey is mum to two children aged 4 and 8.She said: “I became aware of food waste after I gave up the corporate world and started a healthy eating business.“I started planning during my weekend, planned what I was going to eat that week which involved getting my shopping on a Sunday.“I prepped all my ingredients and knew what meals we were going to have and I found I wasn’t throwing out as much food as I usually would.“I stopped finding myself thinking what do I need to go out and buy because things had gone mouldy or whatever which was a better approach.“I didn’t think I’m wasting that much but the diary has really let me see, and when you’re tracking it you pick up on all the wee things that you wouldn’t notice.“Its unbelievable what you find that you do throw out.”

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