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How young Scots would change their country for the better

The following extracts are taken from an ebook of essays written by schoolchildren, outlining what would they change if they ruled Scotland

‘Open more food banks’

More than a million people in Scotland live in poverty. I don’t think it is fair for some people to live an amazing life with everything they want and need, and some people worry that they won’t have a bed for the night or when they will have their next meal.

I would open more food banks and hope that more people would feel confident to get help and hopefully turn their lives around, for even a little while, and not feel embarrassed. I would make sure that there were friendly, kind and caring people who volunteer there, and that people would be able to talk to them honestly and get the help that they need. I would like it if shops could donate food that is fresh, instead of it all going to waste. Amy Russell, 13, Currie

Young Scots

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