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Monthly Funding Round Up - November 2018

Submitted by Grant McLean on Fri, 02/11/2018 - 09:06

Below is our monthly funding round up of grant funding for the third sector in North Lanarkshire:

The Robertson Trust – Main and Major (revenue and capital)

Next Application Deadline: 30th November 2018

The Robertson Trust’s Open Awards Programme provides around £16M in awards each year to organisations working in Scotland. They are a match funder (this means they do not fully fund projects or activities) and can consider both Revenue and Capital requests for funding.

Capital awards may relate to the upgrading of buildings, refurbishment costs, vehicles or equipment. They may fund up to 25% of your capital costs

Revenue awards relate to expenses associated with the direct delivery of your services and can include:

  • salaries or sessional staff costs

  • project costs (such as activity costs, volunteer expenses, transport, etc.)

  • core (running) costs such as rent, heating and lighting - in such cases, the core work of your organisation should reflect at least one of their funding strands.

They can fund up to 50% of your revenue costs, but such awards generally do not exceed £20,000 per annum.

More details:

Cash Back for Communities – Youth Work Fund

Next Application Deadline: 7th December 2018

For 2019/20, the fund will support the Scottish Government’s aim to tackle inequalities by having a greater focus on young people from areas of deprivation. North Lanarkshire has been allocated £50 528.

The fund welcomes proposals for the delivery of targeted youth work activity programmes which provide diversionary youth work activities for young people aged 10 to 24, who face one or more forms of disadvantage as listed below:

  • Living in areas of deprivation (priority will be given to projects working in communities within the top 20% SIMD)

  • Being unemployed, not in education or training;

  • Being excluded, or at risk of exclusion from school;

  • Being at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour, offending/re-offending.

More details:

Environmental Key Fund – Blacklaw Windfarm

Next Application Deadline: 7th December 2018

This fund is financed by the Blacklaw Windfarm developments and provides main grant funding support of up to £50,000 and small grant funding support of up to £5,000 for projects taking place within the Shotts, Allanton, Bonkle and Hartwood areas of North Lanarkshire and their immediate surrounds.

Any not for profit organisation or community group (except North Lanarkshire Council or Council controlled bodies) seeking a grant for projects taking place or benefiting communities within this highlighted area may apply for funding support from the Community Benefit Fund where this project meets one of the following five objectives:

Objective 1: providing, maintaining or improving a public park or other community facility for leisure or recreational purposes.

Objective 2: protecting or improving the conservation of identified Biodiversity Action Plan species or habitats.

Objective 3: maintaining, repairing or restoring a place of religious worship or a building or structure that has architectural or historical significance (with Grade A or B listed status).

Objective 4: encouraging the more efficient use of energy.

Objective 5: reducing fuel poverty.

For further information or support for applicants on eligibility, guidance, application forms to the Blacklaw Windfarm Community Benefit Fund please contact Ellen Archibald at the Environmental Key Fund on 01236 632855 or e-mail

More details:

The Bairdwatson Trust

Next Application Deadline: 24th December 2018

The Bairdwatson Charitable Trust provides grants to registered charities in Scotland for work relating to training for employment, employment support and vocational skills. It is particularly interested in employment and skills training for young people who are unemployed, and in re-training and support for unemployed people to get them back into work. The Trust may also fund organisations which are not registered charities but which carry out charitable work. These might include social enterprises and similar community organisations.

Your organisation should be involved in education or training for employment, re-training, supporting people into work, and vocational training, especially for young people. Preference will be given to organisations which can demonstrate a connection to the communities of Ayr or Airdrie in Scotland and West Bengal, particularly Darjeeling, in India.

More details:

Barchesters Charitable Foundation – Small Groups or Local Charity Grants

Next Application Deadline: Not published

The Foundation’s 2018 Focus is:

  • Older people 65+

  • Adults (18+) with a physical or learning disability

  • Adults (18+) with mental health problems

The Foundation is interested in helping small community groups and small local charities. They do not have a formal definition for a small charity, but if a charity has financial reserves in the hundreds of thousands or millions, it is unlikely that they would be able to help.

They help groups that are based in England, Scotland and Wales. They favour applications that help improve people’s mobility, independence and quality of life. Our grants range from £100 up to £5000, with the average grant in 2017 being approx. £950.

This year their focus is about connecting or reconnection people with others in their local community. Applications that combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged will receive our highest priority in 2018.

More details:

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