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Glasgow foodbanks hand out parcels every six minutes

The foodbanks in Glasgow include Whiteinch, Storehouse Food Bank, Queen’s Park and Govanhill, Lodging House Mission, Central and West Integration Network, Crookston Community, Drumchapel, two venues in Govan and Glasgow City Mission.

The benefits system is pushing thousands of people in the city to food banks.

Nasreen Ali, of Crookston Community Foodbank, said Universal Credit, benefit sanctions and low part part time work is leaving people with not enough to live on.

She said: “We have seen a 20% increase in people coming who have been sanctioned by the DWP and have no money for food.

“Another problem is part time work. If people take on a few extra hours they lose out more from benefits than what they earned.

“One single parent took on an extra six hours and got £43 extra wages but she lost £250 housing benefit that month.

the ten foodbanks distributed 44,037 parcels between April and September last year.

It works out at an average of 244 a day, ten for every hour - one every six minutes.

If you would like to read more here is the link to their website:

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