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Sad story 😔

Crookston community groups chairperson Nasreen was in tears when she was told about this foodbank delivery

Case Study (Toryglen)

We received a foodbank referral from Home Start to deliver an emergency food parcel to a young

single mother with 3 children. The mother requested toiletries if possible and size 6 nappies which

were included into the parcel. Our volunteers delivered this food parcel to the mother and her

children. Upon arrival to the tenement flat in Toryglen the volunteer was met at the door by her

three children under the age of 5. When our volunteer got back to the office, she was visibly

distressed and upset. After speaking to her for some time she explained that, when the “bits of

wains” (her three children) answered the door they were so overjoyed to see her. The volunteer

expressed the children went straight into the bag to see what they had been given. Of all the items

within the bags the children were jumping for joy and shouting with excitement to see “toilet rolls”.

Our volunteer was in sheer disbelief with what she had witnessed and said she felt so over whelmed

with their happiness on their little faces to see toilet rolls. She felt uncomfortable as she didn’t know

what to say.

This incident clearly displays that there is still very much a greater need for foodbank services

Glasgow wide during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you to our staff & volunteers it’s been a true community spirit 🙌 xx ‘#OneMillionMealsTilltheNationHeals’ is our mission to accomplish! @onemillionmeals

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