Can you help?
Its the beginning of the festive period and CCG is extremely busy!
Our Trustees, Staff and Volunteers are working very hard to ensure we are able to support as many people as possible by organising food drives, taking part in press campaigns, speaking to large organisations/ supermarkets and companies for foodbank donations.
As you know, unfortunately, this is one of our busiest periods, with many families needing support as they find themselves in financial hardship. Our Foodbank usage has risen 100% since this time last year and we are readying ourselves as best we can for this.
But we are also struggling to provide this vital service. As the numbers of those needing support rise, the donations we receive are lessening, Can you help?
We are running extremely low on tinned meats (hotdogs, meatballs etc) noodles, UHT milk and lentils and we have completely ran out of tinned tuna/fish.
We know that times are hard right now and that everyone is feeling the impact of the cost of living but if you could spare £1 for some noodles, CCG and everyone we support would be extremely grateful. Thank you all.
