Holiday hunger programme with our partners Glasgow City council. 🙌🤲🙏
CCG Crookston Community group are running the Holiday hunger programme with our partners #glasgowcitycouncil until the 13th of Aug and it has been a great success. #ChrisStephens #humzayousuf #islamicrelief visited our premises in Bellahouston park to support the CCG Committee staff and volunteers taking precious time out from their work and meeting local families suffering from poverty related issues and reaching out to people that need help. Thank you Chris Stephens and Humza Yousaf. We are not perfect but we can do a little at a time.
Thank you Nadeem Baqir from Islamic relief for hundreds of food parcels that we jointly gifted in Pollok and Govan
Also #cash4kids for your tremendous support and so many more.
#stv #bankofscotland #nationallottery #saffronevents #clothworkers #robertsontrust #tudortrust #corrafoundation #glasgowcitycouncil #swamp #asda #wesleyanfoundation #inkindirect #ramsaysfishandchips #humanappeal #batleyscashandcarry #tesco #coop #chrisstephens v CFC #scottishgovernment #gha #get2grips #silverburn #moneymatters #wellbeingfund #arnoldclark #cash4kids #carrgomm #stmonicasschool #eatupcharity #britishgas #lidls #. And many many more partners.
Thank you to our staff & volunteers it’s been a true community spirit 🙌 #OneMillionMealsTilltheNationHeals is our mission to accomplish! @onemillionmeals.
#onemillionmeals #saffroneventsuk #curryfightscorona #curryfightscovid19 #coronavirus #covid19 #coronavirusdonation #charity #covidkindness #coviduk #stayathomeandstaysafe #savelives #stayhome #feed #elderly #vunerable #homeless #shelter