Jingle Bells
Yes, we know it is only September. And that it is bone meltingly hot outside. BUT, CCG starts Christmas prep now! With the cost of...

Partnership in Action
Yesterday we were visited by the utterly lovely Keisha Simms from The Tudor Trust, CCG has had the privilege of working in partnership...

Fantastic week at CCG
As we approach the end of another busy week at CCG we would like to thank all our staff - volunteers and you at home for the continued...

Busy Wednesday at CCG
Today is always the busiest day of the week due to the food pantry receiving food from Fairshaire. We open our Pantry at 12pm and would...

Busy Start to the week across CCG
What a busy start to the week we are having getting back to normality after a busy Summer Lunch Much club across our 3 premises. We must...

Team Bonding
After a hugely successful 5week Summer 2023 Lunch Munch Club, the staff and volunteers of Beltrees sat down for a spot of lunch (made by...
Final Friday of our Summer Lunch Much Club!
What a privilege it has been looking after all your little darlings over the summer holidays. This would not have been possible without...

Attention Bargain Hunters!!
As we have successfully completed another holiday Lunch Club, CCG is pleased to announce that our flagship charity shop at Ladymuir...

Its not often the CCG office staff are surprised but yesterday the lovely Nicola Williamson called asking if she could donate fresh fruit...

Working together
Today we had a lovely visit at our Tiffin hub from MP Chris Stephens. He came along to see our Lunch Munch Club in action. He spent...